Natural Disaster Checklist


Store medical information (diagnosis, medications, special instructions) locked and in a fire safe/flood safe place or saved electronically

Do you have a disaster supply kit, including a flashlight, batteries, cash, first aid supplies, and copies of your critical information if you need to evacuate?


If you have to stay in your home without power do you have food, water, blankets, candles, and medicine prepared?


Do you have an emergency contact list, or alternate location to do to if needed to evacuate? Do you have a “phone tree” plan ready to call?


Do you know where your local evacuation/shelter location would be and can they accommodate those individuals on the autism spectrum?

Learn more:

  • Call the Red Cross prior to evacuating to ask which shelters accommodate people with special needs. Upon arrival to any shelter, let them know your child has autism and fully explain all of your child's specific needs. Ask if there is a secure room or office where your family could stay if your child wanders.

    Remember to bring familiar items that will help your child adjust to their new surroundings and ease the stress of the transition with some of their comforts from home – favorite toys, DVDs and computer games

  • Red Cross


Do you know your rights regarding a natural disaster?

Learn more:

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